06 June 1931 Views First Responders Employer directly liable for supervisor’s gut punch to junior staffer A court has ruled Queensland Corrective Services vicariously liable for injury compensation from a supervisor's gut punch to a Woodford Correctional O Continue reading
11 March 1563 Views First Responders Ambulance trolley toppled by hole, $300k for public park fall Compensation claims for injuries resulting from a public park fall because of uneven ground usually go nowhere. If though the “uneven” ground i Continue reading
30 October 1829 Views First Responders WCQ whipped on compliance ask for NOCD particulars of negligence Are "high level" allegations - without particulars of the components of alleged negligence and causation pertaining to an injury - sufficient to meet Continue reading
28 October 1856 Views First Responders DV outreach worker awarded $1.25 mil for assault by client’s husband A worker who is harmed a consequence of their employment but at a place totally unconnected with it can often recover compensation for the resulting i Continue reading
24 March 3764 Views First Responders Officer wins $860k for police failure to review mental health prior to return to duty An appeal court has upped the damages police must pay an officer for deploying her back to general duties after the onset of multiple non-work related Continue reading
Carter Capner Law QLD Compensation Lawyers. Contact our Compensation Lawyers by sending us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:30AM and 5:00PM Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak. Brisbane CBD office Level 18, 150 Charlotte Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 07 3210 3444 Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994 P.A. Hospital office 1/250 Ipswich Road, Buranda QLD 4102 Australia 07 3210 3418
Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994