Who is Carter Capner Law acting for?

A class action has been filed on behalf of passengers on P&O’s Pacific Aria that sailed from Brisbane into the path of a Category 5 cyclone in May, 2017.

The claim against P&O’s parent company Carnival PLC for damages and a refund of fares was lodged by our firm, which has a specialty travel accident division. Passengers were given no pre-boarding cancellation option as they joined the vessel for their seven-day South Pacific cruise to Noumea and Vanuatu.

What is the claim about?

A cyclone warning had been issued for Vanuatu and New Caledonia before the vessel’s departure from Brisbane. Most passengers were confined to their cabin for the majority of the cruise while the ship navigated the cyclone and heavy seas.

The claim seeks to recover damages from P&O for disappointment, frustration, discomfort and distress and a refund of the cruise fare paid by each passenger.

What should I do?

For those who have already registered and receive their 6 character code, please complete and submit your further details in the data collection form and upload the following:

1. Booking – receipts, invoices, etc.

2. Photos and/or videos from the trip e.g.

  • Inside of berth
  • View from the room/deck

3. Any correspondence you have with P&O i.e. emails, letters, call logs, etc.

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