21 May 3967 Views Law practice Doctor shopping? Insurer caught out as injury assessment strategy struck down Just how many medical examinations can an insurer require an injury claimant to endure? Consider the case of William Hinrichsen who suffer Continue reading
21 August 2843 Views Personal Injury Rocklea motorcycle appeal: Suncorp goes down; court slots Q.C.’s domestic ignorance; gives O.T. glowing reception In a joint judgment, three appeal judges last week admonished QC Syd Williams for a "lack of understanding about domestic tasks" over trivialising gra Continue reading
18 September 1819 Views Law practice “Fobbed off” swim student overcomes solicitor’s neglect to scrape home on leave to proceed win Despite no satisfactory explanation for a 3 year delay, a 26 yr old plaintiff was this month allowed to proceed with a negligent "schoolyard supervisi Continue reading
19 September 2389 Views Law practice Paint tinter’s limitation loss shines light on rights information censorship The recent Supreme Court failure of a worker's limitation extension application has highlighted once again how the statutory censorship regime that ap Continue reading
25 January 1821 Views Personal Injury Worker absolved of sins of delay, lives to fight another day A seriously injured truck driver "of limited education" has won the right to pursue motor accident compensation damages after a last gasp limitation e Continue reading
15 February 8462 Views Opinonian What’s the beef with Queensland’s judges? How should Queenslanders judge the state’s judiciary in the face of the confrontation with the Premier and Ministers over recent months? Continue reading
25 May 6737 Views Litigation & Law Practice Just how ‘loyal’ must solicitors be? Appeal court decides How much allegiance can clients expect from their lawyer after their job is complete? That question was put to rest in April by three appeal judges co Continue reading
22 September 4354 Views Law practice Does death become her? Solicitor wins on two week will delay How urgently should a solicitor treat instructions for a new will from a frail but healthy and alert 94-yr-old, living independently with the assista Continue reading
14 February 3695 Views Law practice PI lawyers do battle: witness box polish vs imperfection & apprehension Did a Friday afternoon phone discussion between two injury lawyers before a Monday trial to canvass a potential settlement - with one already at h Continue reading
26 May 3916 Views Law practice Court rules denial of injury compensation to car thief youth “harsh and unjust” The four boys were glad to find keys in the ignition before rolling the Toyota Hilux ute quietly down the driveway to avoid waking its owners in the T Continue reading
Carter Capner Law QLD Compensation Lawyers. Contact our Compensation Lawyers by sending us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:30AM and 5:00PM Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak. Brisbane CBD office Level 18, 150 Charlotte Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 07 3210 3444 Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994 P.A. Hospital office 1/250 Ipswich Road, Buranda QLD 4102 Australia 07 3210 3418
Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994