29 November 2878 Views Mining Injury Miner triumphs over suspicion: court awards $1.95 mil for CRPS injury An underground miner who presented with what one specialist described as the most obviously fake condition he had seen in his 40 years of medical prac Continue reading
27 July 3086 Views Mining Injury Labour hire worker causes $1.9 mil injury: host employer at fault A coal mine using a hired-in workforce has been ordered to bear most of the cost of a severe injury caused by a labour hire worker. Titan Enterpris Continue reading
21 July 3005 Views car accident Fatigued driver wins $1.13 mil from employer for single vehicle accident How can a court decide on what - among several competing factors - was the cause of a single vehicle accident in the absence of any eye-witness accoun Continue reading
20 June 3509 Views Mining Injury Court awards miner $1.6 mil for ring finger vibration injury A central Queensland mine worker with multiple pre-existing medical conditions has been awarded substantial damages for a rare injury induced by prolo Continue reading
27 April 2837 Views Personal Injury Psychiatrist’s suspicions hosed out on miner’s $1 mil depressive illness claim Global resources company Glencore has been ordered to pay $1 mil in compensation to an underground miner for an injury complicated by depression that Continue reading
21 May 4131 Views Law practice Doctor shopping? Insurer caught out as injury assessment strategy struck down Just how many medical examinations can an insurer require an injury claimant to endure? Consider the case of William Hinrichsen who suffer Continue reading
Carter Capner Law QLD Compensation Lawyers. Contact our Compensation Lawyers by sending us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:30AM and 5:00PM Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak. Brisbane CBD office Level 18, 150 Charlotte Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 07 3210 3444 Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994 P.A. Hospital office 1/250 Ipswich Road, Buranda QLD 4102 Australia 07 3210 3418
Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994