06 September 2760 Views Cruise ship injury Ruby Princess zombie cruise: consumer access to class actions under serious attack North American guests aboard the Covid infected Ruby Princess zombie cruise have suffered a setback in their efforts to recover compensation Continue reading
26 March 2800 Views Personal Injury In planes and on boats, bad acts by states lay siege to benevolent federal laws What law must be applied in the adjudication of a claim arising out of an overseas accident that is litigated in Australia? That question frequently Continue reading
27 March 2820 Views Personal Injury One small step for man – employers reminded to keep up the training to staff With no thought of the physical toll that the heavy work might have on his 45-yr-old frame, Jason Kelleher took up his role with Century Batteries at Continue reading
21 May 4032 Views Law practice Doctor shopping? Insurer caught out as injury assessment strategy struck down Just how many medical examinations can an insurer require an injury claimant to endure? Consider the case of William Hinrichsen who suffer Continue reading
28 May 3238 Views Law practice C.Q. court to review Brisbane bus accident compensation settlement, refuses case transfer A struck-down pedestrian has sued a national law firm for allegedly advising her to “under settle” her spinal injury compensation claim. Natali Continue reading
25 June 3971 Views Litigation & Law Practice Expert’s about face allows out-of-time GP ambulance transfer lawsuit An Ipswich GP who allowed a patient to make his own way to the P.A. Hospital emergency room rather than call an ambulance to conduct the transfer has Continue reading
24 July 11548 Views Personal Injury Privilege prevails over staff expert records: defendants to gain forensic advantage Breast Screen Queensland was last week protected by a Supreme Court ruling from disclosing internal communications pertaining to the negligent diagnos Continue reading
21 August 2433 Views Personal Injury Compensation claim outside 3 years: Plaintiffs escape time bar on "Battery"; do PIPA & CLA apply? Three patrons who allege they were assaulted by police officer Adam Reedy at the Hotel Cunnamulla in May 2005 commenced proceedings for "general, aggr Continue reading
18 September 1876 Views Law practice “Fobbed off” swim student overcomes solicitor’s neglect to scrape home on leave to proceed win Despite no satisfactory explanation for a 3 year delay, a 26 yr old plaintiff was this month allowed to proceed with a negligent "schoolyard supervisi Continue reading
19 September 2441 Views Law practice Paint tinter’s limitation loss shines light on rights information censorship The recent Supreme Court failure of a worker's limitation extension application has highlighted once again how the statutory censorship regime that ap Continue reading
Carter Capner Law QLD Compensation Lawyers. Contact our Compensation Lawyers by sending us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:30AM and 5:00PM Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak. Brisbane CBD office Level 18, 150 Charlotte Street Brisbane City QLD 4000 07 3210 3444 Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994 P.A. Hospital office 1/250 Ipswich Road, Buranda QLD 4102 Australia 07 3210 3418
Browns Plains Medical Precinct Office 5/7 Grand Plaza Drive, Browns Plains QLD 4118 Australia 07 3105 5994