May 12, 2014

“Never again in Australia will we have a situation in which a person may be tak­en to court for expressing a political opinion,” Senator Brandis says. “Political cen­sorship must go, people have the right to be bigoted”.
Federal attorney gen­eral George Brandis has summoned the virtue of freedom of expression to his side of the debate over the repeal of a federal law that saw newspaper col­umnist Andrew Bolt, sued for inaccurate­ly claiming “fair-skinned” indigenous Australians abused their position by claiming aboriginal welfare benefits.

But will the Brandis changes mean people really have the right to say anything “that other people would find insulting, offensive or big­oted” as he contends? Will it deliver true freedom of speech as enjoyed, for example in the USA?

Read the report in this month’s Qld News Truth

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