

Construction Site in West End, Brisbane

Incident Type

Fatal Fall of Apprentice Worker

Date of Incident

September 2023

Investigating Body

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland

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Tyler Whitton, a 17-year-old apprentice, tragically lost his life in a workplace accident at a West End construction site in Brisbane. His death has sparked a heartfelt call for enhanced workplace safety and accountability.

Details of the Incident

Tyler, who had been working at the site for just three months, fatally fell from the construction site in September. This incident has deeply impacted his family and the wider community, with his family advocating for improved safety measures in the construction industry.

Operational Context

The incident has highlighted concerns about the safety of apprentices and young workers in construction sites. Tyler’s family, along with the Construction Forestry Mining Energy Union, are urging the Queensland government to enforce stricter safety regulations, codes of practice, and accountability for site managers.

Court’s Decision and Impact on Victims

[No information provided on court’s decision as the Workplace Health and Safety investigation into Tyler’s death is still ongoing.]

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