

Business on Tooheys St

Incident Type

Worker Hit by Machinery

Date of Incident

July 7, 2023

Investigating Bodies

Queensland Police and WorkSafe Queensland

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In a tragic workplace incident in Far North Queensland, a man in his 60s has been killed after being struck by machinery at a business in the Cairns suburb of Portsmith.

Details of the Incident

The accident occurred at approximately 2:49 PM on Friday at a Tooheys St business. Emergency services responded to reports of the man suffering critical injuries after being hit by a piece of machinery. Despite being transported to the hospital, the man died due to the severity of his injuries.

Operational Context

Queensland Police and WorkSafe Queensland have launched an investigation into the incident. The event is deemed non-suspicious, and a report will be prepared for the coroner. This incident follows the recent workplace death of Joshua Wargent in Brisbane, who fell through a roof while maintaining solar panels.

Court’s Decision and Impact on Victims

[No information provided on court’s decision as the case is currently under investigation.]

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