



Rat infestation and food safety violations



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Nando’s Australia faces a hefty fine after a shocking discovery of a rat infestation and multiple health violations at its Willetton restaurant in Perth.

Details of the Nando’s Health Violations
During a routine inspection, City of Canning health inspectors found dead rodents and droppings scattered throughout the restaurant, including food preparation and storage areas. A total of ten food safety violations were identified, with the most critical being the restaurant’s failure to control the rat infestation and protect food from contamination.

Response and Legal Consequences
City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall deemed the situation a “very serious public health risk,” leading to the immediate closure of the establishment. Nando’s subsequently undertook extensive cleaning, pest control measures, and rectified the cited health violations.

While the restaurant has since reopened after passing a re-inspection, the severity of the initial findings prompted legal action. Nando’s was ultimately fined $160,000, underscoring the importance of adhering to stringent public health standards.

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