

Timberlink Australia


Early Wednesday morning (August 21, 2024)


An electrician with over 20 years of service at the company


Worker struck by mobile plant (front-end loader) in an exclusion zone.

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A devastating workplace accident has occurred at Timberlink Australia’s Tarpeena mill, resulting in the death of a long-time employee. The incident has sent shockwaves through the small community and prompted investigations by SafeWork SA and police.  

Investigation and Response

SafeWork SA and SA Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the incident. Timberlink has stated that systems and processes are in place to manage risks associated with pedestrian and mobile plant interaction, and these are under review. The mill will remain closed until Monday for investigations and to implement a “safe start” procedure.

Community Impact

The death has deeply impacted the small town of Tarpeena, where many residents work at the mill. Local licensee Lynton Cram described the incident as a “terrible shock” that has sent “shock waves” through the community.

Company Statement

Timberlink expressed their devastation at the loss of a valued employee and extended condolences to the worker’s family, friends, and coworkers. The company is providing support to its team members during this difficult time.


This tragic incident highlights the importance of workplace safety, particularly in industries involving heavy machinery. Investigations are ongoing to determine the exact cause of the accident and ensure that similar incidents are prevented in the future.

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